Marcelle Michaud Dumont  Sunday March 10th 2024 avis de deces  NecroCanada

Marcelle Michaud Dumont Sunday March 10th 2024

Browse the obituary of residing in the province of Ontario for funeral details

Michaud, Marcelle (née Dumont) 1929 – 2024
Marcelle a quitté ce monde paisiblement, entourée de sa famille, le 10 mars, 2024 à l’âge de 94 ans. Courageuse et déterminée, Marcelle est décédée comme elle a vécu sa vie, dans le calme et la sérénité. Épouse bien-aimée de feu Laurent Michaud. Marcelle laisse dans le deuil ses enfants, Fabienne (Claude Arbour), Nicole (Jim Novack), Gabrielle (Gilles Renaud), Marjolaine (Antoine Guenette), Claude (Fernande Michaud), Aline (Maurice Patry), Renée (Gerry Terbraak), (feu) Guy, Marie-Lynne (Denis Martel) et Gina (Doug Hart), 22 petits-enfants, 26 arrière-petits-enfants et 2 arrière-arrière-petits-enfants. Sont également affectés par son départ, ses frères, beaux-frères, belles-sœurs, neveux, nièces, ainsi que ses autres parents et ami(e)s.
Sa famille, sa plus grande fierté, aimerait remercier le personnel d’Au Château pour leurs soins et compassion. Une messe funéraire sera célébrée le samedi 27 avril, 2024 à 10 h à l’Église Sacré-Cœur, Sturgeon Falls. Les arrangements funéraires sont confiés au Salon Funéraire Théorêt-Bourgeois, Sturgeon Falls. Que vos témoignages de condoléances se traduisent en dons aux Filles d’Isabelle de Sturgeon Falls.
Michaud, Marcelle (née Dumont) 1929 – 2024
Marcelle left this world peacefully, surrounded by her family, on March 10, 2024 at the age of 94 years. Courageous and determined, Marcelle passed away calm and serene, in much the same way as she lived her life. Beloved wife of the late Laurent Michaud. Marcelle leaves behind her children Fabienne (Claude Arbour), Nicole (Jim Novack), Gabrielle (Gilles Renaud), Marjolaine (Antoine Guenette), Claude (Fernande Michaud), Aline (Maurice Patry), Renée (Gerry Terbraak), (feu) Guy, Marie-Lynne (Denis Martel) and Gina (Doug Hart), 22 grandchildren, 26 great-grandchildren and 2 great-great-grandchildren. She also leaves behind her brothers, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, as well as many other relatives and friends.
Her family, of which she was extremely proud, would like to thank the staff of Au Château for their care and compassion. A funeral mass will be celebrated in her honor on Saturday, April 27, 2024 at 10 a.m. at the Sacré-Coeur Church, Sturgeon Falls. Funeral arrangements in care of the Theoret-Bourgeois Funeral Home, Sturgeon Falls. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Daughters of Isabella of Sturgeon Falls would be greatly appreciated.

Sunday March 10th 2024

theoret bourgeois funeral home

Death notice for the town of: Sturgeon-Falls, Province: Ontario

death notice Marcelle Michaud Dumont Sunday March 10th 2024

obituaries notice Marcelle Michaud Dumont Sunday March 10th 2024

We offer our deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Marcelle Michaud Dumont Sunday March 10th 2024  and hope that their memory may be a source of comfort during this difficult time. Your thoughts and kind words are greatly appreciated.

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