Browse the obituary of residing in the province of Alberta for funeral details
It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Kimberly Ann Reves (nee Swaffield) on July 24 2024, at the age of 63.
She will be remembered by her husband 44 years (Roger), her children and their partners/spouses and grandchildren (Candice/Austin, Jayden and Brock), and (Todd/Janelle, Hailey, Ryland), her parents Jim and Edna Swaffield, Sister/Brother in-in-law (Kathy/Andre), 2 brothers and numerous relatives and friends.
“Say in grief she is no more, BUT lives in thankfulness that she was.”
At Kim request, no service will be held, just cherish the memories that you shared.
Simply Cremations & Funeral Services
Death notice for the town of: Edmonton, Province: Alberta
death notice Kimberly Ann Reves Swaffield 2024
obituaries notice Kimberly Ann Reves Swaffield 2024
We offer our deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Kimberly Ann Reves Swaffield 2024 and hope that their memory may be a source of comfort during this difficult time. Your thoughts and kind words are greatly appreciated.