“Starting strong is good. Finishing strong is epic.” – Robin Sharma
On a glorious autumn day, Jill crossed the finish line of what she had decided to call her “last” marathon, with her devoted husband right by her side for each step of every mile.
Running marathons for charity had led Jill to travel to places all over the world, from Iceland to Hawaii to Easter Island — the last of which being the race where she was accidentally assigned to the men’s category and still won first place for her age group.
In 2010, right after she qualified for her second trip to Boston, she got her first cancer diagnosis and started treatments. Against everyone’s advice and even a few professional opinions, she went and ran. Was it the smartest idea she ever had? Perhaps not. Yet, she inspired spectators and participants all along the route wearing a shirt on which her daughter had written: “My PB [personal best] this year was beating cancer!”
Her recovery was strong, and she powered ahead with life, back to usual for the most part.
Cancer was already no stranger to Jill. She had lost her dad, Alexander, to the disease when she was 11. During his long illness, she and her siblings (Kim and Jay) had to grow up fast, helping to run the Howes household and the family farm while their mom, Ruth, returned to school and work.
We were all shattered when cancer came calling once again, with a brand new diagnosis for Jill that was unrelated to the first. This one was incurable. She was realistic, but also determined to stay in the race for as long as possible, and to savour every moment.
Jill was an avid athlete (when there was no girls’ little league, she played with her older brother’s team,) an awe-inspiring gardener (her extensive flower beds rival those at the RBG,) and an accomplished artist (from landscape painting to wood carving to glass-blowing.)
Above all, she was a dearly loved and loving wife, mom, stepmom, and enthusiastic “Mama J” to five young grandchildren. (In those last weeks, she expressed her hope that, whenever those dear little ones see fireworks light up the sky, perhaps they might feel a little sparkle that reminds them of her.)
Jill was extremely private – so, even if you knew her well, this obituary might come as a surprise. She lived life on her own terms, and she managed the stages of her illness in the exact same way. Even in those last difficult months in hospital, she walked laps around the hallways, cheered on by staff who would tease her about being “out for her jog again” – sweet encouragements, reminiscent of all those spectators during all those years of marathons.
A lifelong resident of Millgrove, Jill is survived by her family – Joe, Carley, Jeff & Jess, Jillian & Connor and the fabulous five – Jayce, Paisley, Brooke, Amber & Sierra. Pre-deceased by her parents and siblings, she will be missed by nieces, nephews, cousins, in-laws, friends and McMaster colleagues.
For the most precious gift of all – time – we send abundant gratitude to Drs. Rosalyn Juergens, Francois Moens, Erynn Shaw and Jesse Solomon, Traci Leighton, and the dedicated staff teams at Juravinski Hospital & Cancer Centre and St. Peter’s Hospital.
A celebration of life for invited family and friends will be held among Jill’s extensive and magnificent gardens, which are overlooked by her original childhood home and surrounded by the family farmlands. (As she specifically requested, there had better be a food truck!)
Jill was passionate about her community, and would be grateful for memorial donations to support any one of her many causes: Wellwood Cancer Support Centre, McMaster University (cross-country/track or student mental health,) the local chapter of Cycling Without Age, Juravinski Cancer Centre (lung cancer, pain management or supportive care) or St. Peter’s Hospital (palliative care.)
In her honour, we also encourage you to get your hands dirty in a garden, play ball with the big boys, light up those sparklers, paint something (anything!) – or simply go for a run.
“In the end, it’s your run and yours alone.
Others can run it with you, but no one can run it for you.
Embrace it. Be strong. Keep moving forward.” – Unknown
Our most sincere sympathies to the family and friends of Jill Lorraine Axisa 2022..
Death notice for the town of: Dundas, Province: Ontario