Marinca Birsila Baboia  Sunday November 28th 2021 avis de deces  NecroCanada

Marinca Birsila Baboia Sunday November 28th 2021

June 20, 1943 – November 28, 2021
Peacefully on November 28, 2021 at the age of 78. Beloved wife of Gioni. Loving mother of Andreea and Radu. Perfect mother-in-law to Bob and Andreea. Cherished Grandmother of Lea and Matty. Will be remembered and greatly missed by family and friends.
Friends are invited to visit at the Central Chapel of Hulse, Playfair & McGarry, 315 McLeod Street (at O’Connor) Ottawa, on Tuesday, November 30th after 1 pm until time of the Funeral Service in the Chapel at 3pm. Following Covid protocol, attendance will be strictly limited to registered guests. To RSVP to either of these events, please
visit the bottom of the obituary page. For those who wish to participate virtually, please use the following link :
Marinca Birsila Funeral Service Livestream Link
Marinca ne-a parasit surprinzator si mult prea devreme in urma unui accident nefericit. A fost totul asa de rapid incat noi familia si prietenii inca nu putem accepta si intelege aceasta pierdere grea.
Bumbu este sufletul familiei noastre, este cea care ne tine pe toti uniti si aproape prin simplul fapt ca ea este aceasta sotie si mama care se daruieste noua mereu fara sa ceara nimic in schimb de la noi. Ea si-a schimbat viata de multe ori fiindca a considerat ca este mai bine pentru familie acest lucru si a muncit din greu mereu pentru ca noua sa ne fie mai bine.
Marinca a fost o sotie desavarsita si o mama perfecta. Pentru noi a fost un exemplu permanent in viata si ne dorim sa putem sa fim la fel de mandri de realizarile noastre ca si ea.
Bumbu a fost o bunica de aur care a facut totul ca nepotii ei sa aiba confort si dragoste si un partener de joaca.
Ai plecat prea repede de langa noi si ne-ai lasat profund indurerati dar sa stii, iubita noastra, ca vei fi in permanenta in gandurile si in inimile noastre!
Odihneste-te in pace iubita mama si sotie!

Our most sincere sympathies to the family and friends of Marinca Birsila Baboia Sunday November 28th 2021..

Hulse, Playfair & McGarry Inc

Death notice for the town of: Ottawa, Province: Ontario

death notice Marinca Birsila Baboia Sunday November 28th 2021

mortuary notice Marinca Birsila Baboia Sunday November 28th 2021

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