Dwayne John Linfoot
“I honestly sit back and go why do we put so much passion into sport when there is so much more to life but I understand myself that I live for my team. I have a much larger team in my life and football is secondary. Love you”
Dwayne was the most loving, kind, and generous person that anyone who knew him had the pleasure to know. He smiled with his whole face and laughed with his whole body. He gave the best hugs and gave them freely.
He was born in Saskatoon on April 26th, 1959 to Ed and Verna Linfoot (both deceased). He moved around in his early adult life and ultimately ended up near Plamondon, AB. Although he left Saskatchewan he never left the Saskatchewan Roughriders. He loved football – watching it, playing it and sharing it with others. His unwavering loyalty to his team was not surprising as he excelled at unwavering loyalty. He was always there for anyone who needed him – anytime for anything. He loved other sports as well – he just loved to play. He was an avid golfer and was president of the curling club for many years. He loved diving, both off of things and with a scuba tank. He was passionate about the outdoors. He took so much joy from hunting, fishing, and quading around with his family, friends or even just his dogs. One of his favourite things was calling for moose. He loved the anticipation that built after that first response. He always described bringing a bull moose into archery range as one of the greatest thrills.
As much as he was dedicated to sport and the outdoors nothing could compare to the dedication he had to his family. He was first married to Norma-Jean and they had four children who he cherished above anything else in the world. His love for his children was boundless and Vanessa, Nicole, Natalie, and Timothy will miss him from their lives endlessly. He gained two son-in-laws when Nicole married Richard and Vanessa married James and he loved them too. His first marriage ended, but he met and fell so in love with Sue and although her children were grown he was a father to them. Stacey, Stephen, and Branden (Briggette) were welcomed into his family and into his boundless love and through them his beloved grandchildren entered his life. Darrius, Aubrey, and Kyla brought such joy to his life and he loved nothing more than spending time with them.
He will be forever loved and missed by his entire family. His mother Patti Linfoot, and his siblings Karen (Joe), Marie, Terese (Kelvin), Kateri (Grant), Colleen (Jed), Jodi (Nathan), and Patrick (Anya). His multitude to aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and his God-Son. And he will be missed by all his friends which is just about every single person who met him. He is predeceased by his mother, father, and brother, Derrick.
A celebration of life will be held Monday, December 30th, at 11:00 a.m. at the Athabasca Missionary Church.
Memorial donations can be made to the Saskatchewan Roughrider Foundation.
Our most sincere sympathies to the family and friends of Dwayne John Linfoot April 26 1959 December 17 2019 (age 60)..
Death notice for the town of: Athabasca, Province: Alberta