Her Journey’s Just Begun…
Don’t think of her as gone away – her journey’s just begun,
Life holds so many facets – this earth is only one.
Just think of her as resting from sorrows and the tears,
In a place of warmth and comfort where there are no days or years.
Think how she must be wishing that we could know today
How nothing but our sadness can really pass away.
And think of her as living in the hearts of those she touched…
For nothing loved is ever lost – and she was loved so much.
Lorna was born in Edson, Alberta and her first home was in Entrance, Alberta, growing up in Hinton, Alberta. She married Clement (Steve) Nadeau and moved to Whitecourt, Alberta in the early 1970’s, where they set down permanent roots, raising a family, being involved in the community and businesses owners.
Lorna’s passions in life revolved around family, friends, creativity, nature, animals, and her faith.
Lorna’s memory is left to dwell in the hearts of her loved ones:
Daughter Jennifer Harvey, Son-in-law Blair and grandchildren Dakota, Keaton and Madison, of Penticton, BC.
Son Ryan Nadeau.
Daughter-in-love Amanda Taylor and grandson Isaac Nadeau, of Edmonton, AB.
Brother William (Bill) Dunn and his family, of Hinton, AB.
The family expresses the deepest gratitude to those who were involved in caring for Lorna and making every effort to make her final days on earth comfortable, peaceful and full of love:
Dr. Joe and the staff of the Whitecourt hospital and Homecare staff.
Devoted friends Debbie, Clara and Angel.
Also, those who when hearing of Lorna’s illness stopped in to visit or sent their love and prayers.
For those who wish to send their condolences, please include your most cherished memory of Lorna, for her family: jenni.harvey@hotmail.com
Memorial gifts in Lorna’s memory may be made to:
Alberta Diabetes Foundation
Kidney Foundation of Canada
Donations may be made to:
Alberta Diabetes Foundation
HRIF – EAST 1-020, 1A University Campus NW, Edmonton AB T6G 9Z9
Tel: 1-800-563-2450
Email: info@abdiabetes.com
Web: www.albertadiabetesfoundation.com
The Kidney Foundation of Canada
11227 Jasper Ave., Suite 202, Edmonton, AB AB T5K 0L5
Tel: 1-800-461-9063
Email: info.nabt@kidney.ca
Web: www.kidney.ca/nab
Our most sincere sympathies to the family and friends of Lorna Anne Dunn August 6 1953 March 28 2019 (age 65)..
Death notice for the town of: Edson, Province: Alberta