Berry Kathleen  2021 avis de deces  NecroCanada

Berry Kathleen 2021

Messages pour la famille de Berry, Kathleen
De: Dovey
Sending you our love and thoughts at this sad time , for you all in the Berry and Foster family.
Much Love
George and Karen
De: Katherine Foy
I am so sorry to hear of Kathleen’s passing. Our girls went through senior school together and Sarah loved the sleep-overs that Isobel threw and Kath made sure were fun and well organised. Gone too soon but what a great legacy she has left. Deepest sympathy from our family to yours. God bless Kathleen, rest in peace.
De: Julie Wilson
A truly amazing and beautiful soul. Had the privilege to meet her and work with her when she first blazed her trail and transformed emergency medicine at BCH in those early years at Ladywood and again in our twilight years at Steelhouse Lane. She was so witty, funny but warm. A true star they shone so bright and taken from us to early. My thoughts with her beautiful family.
De: Jill (Sarjeant) and Joe Poggi
My deepest heartfelt condolences to a family that marked my life as a young teacher at Rosemere Catholic Elementary.
To Mrs. Berry, the late Dr. Berry, Gerald, Brian, Gregory and Robert; I still have wonderful memories of our times together.
De: Denise and Brian Calvert
Our heartfelt sympathies go to the Berry and Foster families and in particular Tony, Isobel Grace and Emily for the loss of Kathleen.
We remember Kathleen fondly -finding time to make Sunday dinner for us in Yorkshire on our visits from Australia. Then dashing off to Birmingham to treat more children. The girls- very young at the time are now successful young women making their own contributions to the world.
What an oustanding life Kathleen led- full of dedication and helping others.
We are so sad for your loss and hope your memories sustain you.
Denise and Brian
De: Liz Symonds
What a wonderful time we had working together at BCH. Great colleague, caring, supportive and such fun. A good friend, taken far too early. Love to all the family.
De: Marie Rowe
Sending my condolences to your lovely family have known Kath since I joined the admin team in ED at BCH nearly 20 years ago Kath was a lovely lady she has left us some wonderful memories we will never forget RIP xx
De: Catriona Mallows
I’m so very sorry, Emily and family, on the loss of your absolutely lovely mum. What a truly inspiring woman. feel so very lucky to have met her in Victoria after you bought your first beautiful little house. You will make her so very proud in all that you do. Sending you my biggest loves and hugs. You are in my thoughts.
De: Pat and Keith Smith
Sorry to hear of your sad loss Tony and family. We are thinking about you
De: Jayne Hughes
I feel so lucky to have had the privilege of being Kath’s secretary. I first met her 20 years ago when I started working in A&E and I’ll never forget the kindness and support she showed me over our years working together. I loved her naughty sense of humour and was in awe of her knowledge. I can’t look at daffodils now without thinking of her breezing in with a bunch for the office, but it’s a comfort to think of her that way. Daffodils will always be a reminder. She was taken far too early, but what a legacy she’s left, all the children and young doctors she’s helped and the lovely family she adored! Sending love to all her family at this sad time.
De: Ann Matthews
I knew Kath from when she came to A/E in Ladywood Middleway to Steelhouse Lane. It was a privilege to have worked with her and to have known her over many years. She has gone far to soon. Love and thoughts to all her family and friends for the sad loss
De: The Stephens family
Thinking of you all at this very sad time. Kathleen was taken far too soon. Her legacy, love and generosity will hopefully give you strength over the coming months. Kathleen will be remembered by so many people whose lives she touched during her devoted work at BCH. Love to you all.
De: Desiderio Rodrigues
Very saddened and heart broken to hear about the sad passing away of my friend and colleague Kath. May God grant her Eternal Peace. My heartfelt sympathies to her loving family . May God give them the strength to bear her loss. Rest in Peace dearest Kath. Your smile lit up the Ed whenever you were there. We will miss you and your radiant smile.
De: Fiona Reynolds
I had the privilege of working with Kath for many years at BCH. She was a force of nature, one of a kind and a woman with a huge heart. Passionate about training, she worked to set up training schemes across the country and inspired many to join her in her specialty. Her smile and trademark pink jumper and distinctive Canadian accent meant she was always easy to find on the shop floor. She was professionally curious, she followed her patients through the hospital, to the wards or PICU to find out how they were doing. She often talked about Canada, her beautiful girls of whom she was so proud and her husband Tony. It was trully a priviledge to work along side one of the founders of Paediatric Emergency Medicine. Kath, you were taken too soon, Rest in Peace.
De: Max
I had the privilege to know Kath for many years at Birmingham children’s hospital. She was always quick with her praise and wonderful to be around. Her infectious personality will be missed but her legacy will live on.
De: Gale Pearson
I called you « Ma ». I worked with you from 1995 until retirement. We resuscitated countless numbers of children together. You would come up to intensive care days later to follow up. Because you cared. You taught every member of your department and inspired them to work alongside you. When my kids came along and needed acute care I brought them to you. Of course. I was privileged to meet your family at the lodge by the lake in Canada. My love to you all. In memoriam to my beloved Queen of paediatric emergency medicine.
De: Hari Krishnan
I learnt so much from you Kath. As my colleagues have all mentioned, it was so lovely whenever you’d stroll up to PICU and catch up with us. Your presence lit up any room. Its a huge loss.
De: Geoff Debelle
Rest in Peace Kath, as you made so many children and families live in the serenity and safety that you cared for them well and made their lives better. You were a great clinician, with extraordinary skills, and a teacher to me, and many others, in the art and craft of paediatrics. Moreover, you were a great friend to all of us. I will remember you most for always tapping me on the shoulder during a busy post-take round to find out how a child you had admitted was processing, with a few well-chosen and friendly words of advice in my ear as well. We all miss you terribly, Kath.
De: Joe and Diane Bellizzi
Dear Doreen and family, Our sincere condolences for your loss. Our prayers and thoughts during this time. Joe and Diane Bellizzi
De: Jane Cassidy
I first met Kath as a very green SHO at the old children’s hospital. She was kind, funny and totally supportive. When I returned to BCH in 2012 I was amazed she remembered me but that was classic Kath. She absolutely cared about everyone. Bright, breezy and a brilliant doctor because she cared.
A life so well lived. My love and sympathy to all your family Kath and a huge thank you for all the children and all the colleagues you looked after
De: Chris Bird
Kath taught me and so many others how to look after sick children and her positive impact has been felt widely in the lives she touched and the people she trained. My condolences to her family.
De: The Doyles
Dr. Berry, Kath, Maa Berry, It was a pleasure to work with you at BCH as a trainee and colleague, in education, on The Training Committee etc: you made my job happier. (I often still wish for your counsel when going through the ARCPs).
Thank you for helping me along the way.
We had a laugh and endured some issues: I am grateful for our friendship. You will be missed by all of us.
You are a credit to your whole family.
Love from Sue, Daniel, Grace, Ellen and Peter Doyle
De: Martin English
Dear Tony, Emily and Isabel,
We were so sorry to hear of Kath’s passing. She was a fantastic colleague to work with at the Children’s Hospital – a true leader and pioneer, and immensely supportive to her colleagues and doctors in training. She helped shape a whole generation of trainees in the West Midlands including myself.
She was also really supportive in other areas, and it was great to see her at St Mary’s in Harborne. She was very helpful to us when we moved back to Birmingham and needed to get into schools etc. I will ask for a requiem mass at St Mary’s.
You are very much in our thoughts at this difficult time.
Martin, Susan and Matthew English
De: Kathleen & Tony Hickling
Sending our heart full sympathies to Tony, Emily ,Isabelle and family.
Thinking of you all at this sad time.
With Love.
Kathleen & Tony Hickling.
De: Jen Fielding
So sorry to hear the sad news of Kath’s passing. I had the pleasure and privilege of working with Kath for a number of years as her Secretary at BCH Ladywood and Steelhouse Lane. We had such fun working together and shared many laughs. Kath was a very caring, warm, thoughtful and knowledgeable lady. Way too early to be taken. Thoughts and prayers are with all the family at this sad time xx
De: Mitul Patel
I am really saddened to hear the news. Kath was a very fantastic doctor and a very loving hearted colleague. We had countless discussions on phone about her acutely unwell patients in ED. Always concerned about wellbeing of her patients, her joyous and charming voice always delighted me on the other end of the phone. May her soul rest in peace.
De: katharine foster
Dear Tony, Emily and Isabel,
I knew Kath first as a junior doctor, and then as a radiologist working at BCH. I will remember her for her energy, coming down to the radiology department with her patients, and making sure the best was done for them. She was supportive, particularly to junior members of teams, and fun to work with. She has made a huge difference to so many patients, and has shaped the way BCH is today. I will not forget you, and what you taught me Kath, rest in peace.
De: Ian Wacogne
We all have so many stories to tell of Kath. Mind start when I was a cocky registrar being taught on an advanced paediatric life support course in Walsall in the 90s. She was an instructor and we ended up in a famous and fiery exchange which I cannot write here. This morphed into my lasting respect for her passion, humour, and focus on the care of the child. Kath encouraged and influenced so many people over her career, and I have many fond memories of the good times and the very many ways she improved the care of children. Sincere condolences, and please know that she was loved.
De: Kevin Morris
Kath was a great work buddy and friend over 25 years and I miss her greatly. She was dedicated and hard working, but importantly she was kind and caring, and she loved her trainees, to whom she was an inspirational trainer and mentor. She kept us in line if needed (I loved it when she called me bozo!) and I can still hear her say (wearing her pink cardigan) ‘wake up and smell the coffee’. Kath loved a bit of gossip too and kept me updated on what was going on at BCH. It was so unfair that after a long career of hard work and service Kath and her family didn’t have more time to enjoy her retirement. We loved you Kath! Love to her family and friends.
De: Manoj Parulekar
Dear Tony, Emily and Isabel,
Kath was a brilliant and caring doctor, a legend in BCH and beyond. She always followed up any referrals to the eye department. I am really sorry for your/our loss and send you much gratitude and good wishes for sharing Kath’s time with us
De: Dawn Murray
I was so very sad to hear of the passing of this wonderful lady. During my 10 years as a secretary in ED at BCH, Kath was always so kind and generous, and she supported the Admin team like no other. She was a one off, and with her caring nature, incredible knowledge and lovely smile, made ED a better place for patients, parents and staff. I will continue to miss her keen sense of humour, her wit and, yes, her pink cardis! With much love to her beautiful family xx
De: Melanie Kershaw
So sorry to hear of Kath’s passing – Kath was a constant right from my greenest SHO days in Ladywood through to being consultant colleague; a source of inspiration and support for us all. Kath‘s clinical acumen was sharp and second to none. She ran the department with a caring and fabulous sense of humour, never allowing anyone to take themselves too seriously, always on the ball ensuring children got the best, and checking up on PIC and the wards, or when you were passing through afterwards, to be assured of that.
Kath you will be missed. My heart goes out to your family – you deserved so much more time. Thank you for your faith and unfailing support over the years and rest in peace.
De: Dave Ellis
I had the privilege of working with with Kath as a trainee and a consultant. Was told off and hugged by her in equal quantities in both roles. Kath was perceptive, intuitive, quick witted with her dry sense of humour, caring, inspiring, was always there for colleagues patients and their families and worked tirelessly at all hours. Consummate yet unassuming. Loved an « arterial line » A pioneer who helped define Paediatic Emergency Medicine. Missed but not forgotten.
De: Nick & Lin Evans
So sorry to hear of your sad loss Tony, with love to you and family
De: Helen
Kath was a true inspiration to so many of us. My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this sad time.
De: Ben H
A wonderful tutor, teacher and colleague. Kind, supportive, and the very epitome of what it means to be both a skilled paediatrician and a caring doctor. I feel privileged to have known, to have worked with and to have been taught by Kath. Rest in peace.
De: Paul H.
I had the privilege of being Kath’s trainee during my time at BCH. Her caring nature & work ethic were an inspiration to me, as I’m sure they were an inspiration to so many others. Such a genuine, lovely person to be around & to work with. I learnt so much from her & feel honoured to have had the opportunity to work with such a wonderful person within my career.
So saddened to hear of her passing. I feel honoured to have been a colleague to Kath. Rest in Peace.
De: Celia Moss
Dear Tony, Emily and Isabel
I was very sad to hear of Kath’s untimely death. We were appointed about the same time as consultants (I as dermatologist) at Birmingham Children’s Hospital and it was a great privilege to interact with her over many years. She was unfailingly wise, kind, interested, good-humoured and fun, and a real mother figure, nurturing everyone around her. Kath represented all that is best about our hospital and was truly part of its heart and soul. I will always remember her with love and respect.
De: Emma Jenkinson
I was so sorry to hear of the passing of absolutely the most important and influential person of my adult life and I am thinking of you all and sending love.
Kath was my role model from when I very first met her. I wanted to do Paeds EM and she saw something in me even as an irritating medical student. She supported me and believed in me as I struggled through training. She guided me through professional and personal crises, she told me off when I needed it and she was by my side when things were difficult.
I think the most important thing she showed me was that, however gifted she was clinically, however well-respected she was professionally (and she was immense in both ways), the most important thing in her life was her family. I have been fortunate enough to have had a little family of my own, completing me as a person and I know that is what you did for her. I remember meeting Emily & Isobel on several occasions when you came to the department and your mum showed you off so proudly. I have followed your life story as she has boasted about you over the years, she was a very adoring mother and you have given her many reasons to be proud.
I have so many fond memories of working with Kath but the ones that make me smile the most involve the horror on her face when I displayed my “adult emergency medicine” humour: I remember standing in the scan room as a teenage gang member had a CT to investigate his stab wound… this demonstrated that he was both aroused and well-endowed, which i delighted in pointing out to Kath, eliciting blushes and distress on her part… unfortunately I couldn’t leave it there, a few weeks later I felt the need to send her a holiday postcard from a Greek island and chose a picture of a male Adonis statue with proud anatomy… via hospital post… I was back at work when it arrived and I remember the eye roll I received!
I am sure that your grief is very raw at the moment but I hope that one day you will have some comfort in the fact that Kath has left a widespread and lasting legacy. She inspired several generations of paediatric emergency doctors and was instrumental in establishing this key specialty. She supported so many of us to believe in ourselves. She was a truly wonderful human being and I thank all of you for letting us have so much of her time. With love and very best wishes to you all
De: Dr Nick Makwana
The loss of Kath will be felt by many. May the memories of her wonderful personality and many contributions be celebrated by all. I was lucky enough to work with Kath and got a chance to see what a great woman, physician and mentor she was. She will missed dearly and I wanted to extend my sympathies to the whole family.
De: Dr Ed Carver
Kath was a lovely doctor to work with at Birmingham Children’s Hospital – always so friendly, enthusiastic and caring. So sorry to hear of your passing Kath, you made a big difference to a lot of people in your life.
De: Maya Desai
As a trainee and new consultant at Birmingham Children’s Hospital, I quickly recognised that Kath was one of a small group of paediatricians who worked so hard to deliver excellent care to the children and young people of Birmingham. She was always very supportive of those she worked with especially the trainees . Later, we lived quite near her in Harborne. I have fond memories of her walking past our house cheerfully calling hello when out with her children. Her life was cut short but her legacy in Birmingham will live long.
De: Sally Hulton
It was a total joy to work with Kath, to hear her on the phone from A+E having of course worked out already what the kidney problem was….she had superb clinical acumen, was thoughtful and considered, and genuinely cared for the well-being of the patients and their families. I think we worked together from 1995 when she set the path for an improved A+E department at the Ladywood site. We gossiped and sniggered together! She was so kind when my daughter needed attention after I was admitted with meningitis and I am ever grateful for the care she bestowed on my family. I was delighted to assist in guiding her towards the move of her daughters’ schooling to Birmingham from Leeds and it was such fun to chat to her over the years about the brilliant progress of Isobel and Emily.
Kath was extraordinary in paving the way for women in emergency medicine by providing a role model of intelligence, compassion, dedication and above all humour.
My deepest condolences and love to all her family.
De: Vinod Diwakar
Kath was a wonderful boss, colleague and supported me throughout my career from its low point to its high point. She kept me going during a tough period when I couldn’t get my exams and continued to mentor and coach me throughout my junior doctor career. As I went up the ranks to become the medical director of Birmingham Children’s Hospital, she was always kind and compassionate, and a fearless advocate for children, young people and their families. She single handedly created the specialty of paediatric emergency medicine in England and will be much missed by her colleagues and friends. Staff, children and young people have better lives because of her.
De: Adrian P
I worked with Kath for a few years at BCH. I will always remember her kindness and her enthusiasm for her work. She was warm and generous, and really supportive of her colleagues. Sending love to Kath’s family; I’m sure you are all very proud of her. x
De: Elin Jones
Sending sincere condolences to the family. So very sorry to hear of her passing.
I worked alongside Dr Berry on a number of occasions and she had such an impact on me. Such a fantastic clinician and consummate professional. I will carry with me things I learnt from her, and hopefully pass these on to my junior colleagues.
De: Adrian Marsh
I had the privilege of working with Kath at BCH as one of her trainees. Kath was a truly wonderful person and an inspiration to us all. She will be sadly missed by all of us, she was an inspiration to everyone.
De: Richard Neal
Dear Kath,
you have been such a bright and motivational mentor to so many of us at the Birmingham Children’s Hospital. Your clinical accuracy, caring personality and supportive nature to those around you was unforgettable, but more than that, your smile and laughter.
Rest in peace and thank you for all you have done.
De: Deirdre Kelly
Message to her family
I am so sorry to hear of Kath’s illness and death.
She and I started at BCH around the same time and shared many issues, concerns and frustrations in those early days.
I always admired her enthusiasm, drive and her warm personality. She was a great help to me in many ways and I will always remember that.
I know she made the BCH A/E into the outstanding department that it now is and many of her trainees will be indebted to her.
All my thoughts and prayers are with you, look after yourselves
Much love and sympathy
Professor Deirdre Kelly CBE
Professor of Paediatric Hepatology
De: David McGillivray and Gregg Blachford
We were surprised and very sorry to learn of Kathleen’s recent passing. Kath was always a delight to work with at the Children’s and we were happy to reconnect for a visit and lunch in Birmingham in 2012 when we were in England. We felt very welcome and we were happy to meet Kath’s Birmingham family.
De: Roshi Jorshary
I can’t believe you left us so early. There was so much more we could all learn from you.
Your voice , your ethics and your legacy will never be celebrated by all of us who had the honour to be your trainees.
Lots of Love
De: David Sinton
You were instrumental in guiding my career along all steps whilst in the West Midlands and after I left. As a junior doctor you took the time to absorb my irritating, nervous overly exuberant interest. Despite the occasional eye rolls (which I have copied) you answered and guided with patience and nurtured my chosen specialty interest. As a senior trainee frustrated when things didn’t follow the plan I imagined you offered wisdom that I always trusted. As a fledgling consultant you continued to be a sounding board helping with the difficult decisions and life choices.
I know many of my peers have similar stories of your support and mentorship. You did so much for so many on a professional and personal level.
I’m truly blessed to have met and worked with you and so happy I got to tell you how much I appreciated all you did.
De: Michelle Mallen
So sorry to hear of Kath passing away. I always remember her as a force to be recond with. Kath would suddenly appear on PICU, asking about the patient’s she had cared for. Always had a good word to say, and have a laugh with me. Then would walk around and visit her patients. Total respect for an awesome Lady. Rest in peace
De: Lesley MacPherson
Dear Tony, Emily and Isabel
I was so sad to hear of Kath`s passing and my sincere condolences to you and Kath`s wider family.
I had the priviledge to work alongside Kath for many years and miss her – the requests for scans « stat » in her lovely Canadian accent, her teasing and quick wit and, of course, her smiles ….and bright cardigans.
I remember Kath as passionate in her care for her « BCH » children and well recognise the various comments in regard to Kath attending wards/ITU to follow-up on the children admitted through her care, as she regularly knocked on our doors in Radiology to review their emergent and follow-up scans.
You deserved so much longer, but will be remembered with a smile.
Rest in Peace Kath – a life well lived indeed
De: Jeremy Kirk
So very sorry to hear the sad news re. Kath. She was an amazing colleague, and a true ‘one-off’ in the very best sense. The Kirk family will also be eternally grateful for her diagnostic skills and acumen. Kath, you were a shining star and will be truly missed.
De: Joanne & John Powrt
So sorry to hear about Kathleen , Tony
life is not fair sometimes . She was remarkable and changed so many lives – but you know all that , no words can take away the hurt from you all but know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers – with much love
De: Kasyap Jamalapuram
Dear Today, Emily and Isabel
We are so sorry for your loss. It feels unfair that she has left us, and she deserved more time with you all after her many years of hard work. Kath was an amazing teacher and the stories/wishes on this page go to show how many people she has influenced and inspired.
She was so proud of her girls and it was always clear that family was the most important thing to her. I have many fond memories that will make me smile when I think of Kath and she has had a big impact on my own career. A lot of which I will be eternally grateful for.
We hope you are all ok through this difficult time, and are sending all of our best wishes and thoughts.
Lots of Love
Kash, Saili, Rohan & Rishi
De: Ashish Singal
I will always be grateful to Kath for having faith in me. As a young trainee, she encouraged me to pursue a career in peadiatric emergency medicine when I had no idea what direction to take in my career. Something I will be eternally grateful to her for.
She was forever caring to her patients, her trainees and her colleagues. From her words of wisdom and encouragement, to a shoulder to cry on to her house parties. She would provide help and advice when needed but you also knew when she disapproved with that famous eye roll or being called a bozo (often) with her distinct Canadian accent. No matter which side of the line you were, it was always done with a comforting smile.
Her memory and legacy will forever live on as she tirelessly developed paediatric emergency medicine in the West Midlands. Rest now Kath and let us continue your hard work. With all our love.
De: Satish Rao
Dear Kath,
Thank you for all your help, your support over the years. I benefitted greatly from your wisdom, your passion for the patients and for training new doctors, nurses…
May you rest in peace
De: Laurie Oakes
Love you forever and always Kath!
De: Dr Banks Osuntola
Thank you Kath for everything.
For always being in my corner and my mom away from home. Thanks for all the work and life lessons.
You are irreplaceable and will be missed.
My thoughts and prayers to the family.

Nos plus sincères sympathies à la famille et aux amis de Berry Kathleen 2021..

kane fetterly

Décès pour la Ville: Montréal, Province: Quebec

avis deces Berry Kathleen 2021

avis mortuaire Berry Kathleen 2021

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