Obituary of Adrienne Rosalia Kiraly
Adrienne Kiraly was born on the 13th day of August in 1926 in post WW l Budapest Hungary. She was the 3rd child in a sib-line of 6 in a loving family. Her father, Laszlo Bubik, was a successful business man. Her mother was dedicated to the family. She was deeply religious.
She would light up with joy whenever she talked about her memories of her childhood. She loved poetry and the piano but her work was as an assistant in a Cardiologist’s Office.
She married Stephan Kiraly during WW II. He was a lawyer and Engineer. Soon after their marriage her 1st boy Stephan was born in 1945. Leslie came along 3 years later in 1948. Her husband passed away May 1, 2000.
The Revolution in 1956 was traumatic but it brought opportunities. She escaped with her 2 boys bravely across the Austrian border to safety and freedom. Her husband followed some weeks later. Her boys were given the opportunity to become Psychiatrists. There are 5 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren.
Stephan has 2 daughters Sarah and Becky. Becky has 2 boys Cohen and Carter. He also has a son Michael.
Leslie has 2 daughters Tara and Tristan. Tara has 3 boys Lazlo, Noah and Finn. Tristan has 2 girls Aidan and Zoey.
Adrienne’s younger brother Emery passed away first. Last year her older brother Leslie and older sister Agnes died. They were both in their mid 90’s. She is survived by her 2 sisters Vivian and Ethel.
It is with deep sorrow that we say good bye to Adrienne but we celebrate her life with joy and awe.
Nos plus sincères sympathies à la famille et aux amis de Adrienne
Kiraly 1926 2019..
Décès pour la Ville:Toronto, Province: Ontario