Linda Lee Summers Bond (Wood)
A firecracker woman with a tender heart, whose personality was larger
than life itself. Linda fought the good fight and passed into glory
early Monday morning, leaving behind a family who loved her endlessly.
Her warrior spirit will forever be an inspiration to many.
Born to the late Paul & Ada Wood, Linda grew up in Gold River,
Nova Scotia. Linda was always on the move from an early age and she
was lovingly referred to as the girl with “ants in her
pants”. She was incredibly outspoken, full of spunk and always
ready with a witty comeback.
Linda had a passion for gardening, which birthed in her a tremendous
talent and ability to create and maintain some of the most picturesque
of displays. She loved playing cards and no one has played more hands
of 45’s than her. If you know the game, you will appreciate the
fact that she could go 30 for 60 without the 5– and sometimes
even without the jack! Her family fondly refers to this as
“advanced play”.
There are few people you meet in life as original as Linda. She was
truly one of a kind. Lynn, Mom, Nan, Nanny Bond, Nanny … she
wore many hats. Linda also tamed and took care of a wild seagull, who
she adoringly referred to as Buddy. For years, she would faithfully
gather the scraps of her home cooked meals so that her beloved Buddy
and his wife, Mrs. Buddy, were WELL fed. If you watch the seagulls
flying around Indian Point, it’s not hard to tell which ones
belonged to Linda.
Survived by her loving husband, Michael Bond; her beloved daughter,
Cindy (Martin) Hodges; grandchildren, Kris and Katie Hodges; and
great-grandchildren, Jaxson, Evelyn and Alyson Hodges.
A private family service will be held on Saturday, November 20th at
the Western Shore Baptist Church, with interment to follow.
Online condolences may be sent by visiting
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Western Shore Baptist
Church or the Union Church of Indian Point.
Please be advised, the office of Mahone Funeral Home is not able to
receive memorial donation funds at this time due to COVID-19. Please
inform the Family of your memorial contribution through our website.
Your memorial donation payment may then be sent directly to a
requested charity.
Western Shore Baptist Church
c/o Ruth Shute
P. O. Box 25
Western Shore, NS
B0J 3M0
Union Church, Indian Point
c/o Helen Zwicker,
227 Indian Point Road,
Mahone Bay, NS B0J 2E0
902- 624-8913
“Founded in 1883 – Serving the Community for 138 years.”
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Our most sincere sympathies to the family and friends of Linda Lee Summers Bond Wood 19422021..
Death notice for the town of: Mahone-Bay, Province: Nova Scotia