Obituary of Kyle Ross Pickering
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Kyle Ross Pickering in London,UK
on August 4, 2020, during his 50th year. He will be missed by the love of his life, his daughter Grace Elizabeth. He joins his father Edwin ‘Ted’ Pickering, Aunt Lillian(nee Etherden), and Grandparents
in heaven. Kyle precedes Grace’s mom Erin Kerr; his mother Carol Pickering and Tom Porter; his sister
Kimberley and Gary Mathers and their children Victoria,Stephen and his brother Kurt Pickering and daughter Madison. He is in the hearts of his Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and Great Friends. Funeral plans include cremation, a private interment and a Hamilton celebration of life, September 30, 2020.
Please follow at for details and sharing.Donations to McMaster Sick Kids.
Our most sincere sympathies to the family and friends of Kyle
Pickering 1971 2020..
Death notice for the town of: Caledonia, Province: Ontario