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Baron Marie 2024

Marie  2024 avis de deces  NecroCanada

Marie 2024 avis de deces


Parcourez la nécrologie de Baron
Marie 2024 résidant dans la province Alberta pour le détail des funérailles.

Marie was born on February 4, 1934 to Joseph Wachtler and Elizabeth Marie Geuke in Lethbridge, AB. She is the loving mother of sons: James (Linda) Baron and Kevin Baron; daughters: Laura (Mike) Baron, Leanne (Randy) Warnock, and Lisa Baron; and grandmother of ten grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. She is also survived by her sister, Eleanora Johnson, along with many nieces and nephews.
Marie will be fondly remembered by all who knew her for her love of the family farm outside of Milk River, AB. Whether it was milking cows, tending chickens, delivering calves, baling or driving grain truck, she was always at Mike’s side. She loved spending time singing in the church choir, family meals, spending time with her grandchildren, and singing and yodeling while Mike played the guitar.
When Marie and Mike retired in 2000 and moved to Coaldale, her new love became attending her flower gardens, her wall of Clematis and volunteering in the Soup Kitchen.
Marie was a true matriarch and the glue that held the family together.
A Funeral Mass will be celebrated for both Marie and Mike Baron at ST. AMBROSE CATHOLIC CHURCH, 1513 – 23 Avenue, Coaldale, AB, on Friday, May 31, 2024 at 11:00 A.M. with Father Ian Gagne celebrating.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Alzheimer Society of Alberta (


Nos plus sincères sympathies à la famille et aux amis de Baron
Marie 2024..

Cornerstone Funeral Home

Décès pour la Ville: Lethbridge, Province: Alberta

avis deces Baron
Marie 2024

necrologie Baron
Marie 2024

Nous offrons nos plus sincères condoléances à la famille et aux amis de Baron
Marie 2024 et espérons que leur mémoire pourra être une source de réconfort pendant cette période difficile. Vos pensées et vos mots aimables sont grandement appréciés.

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