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Antonio D’Angelo Sunday June 25th 2023

Antonio D'Angelo  Sunday June 25th 2023 avis de deces  NecroCanada

Antonio D'Angelo Sunday June 25th 2023 avis de deces


Parcourez la nécrologie de Antonio D’Angelo Sunday June 25th 2023 résidant dans la province Ontario pour le détail des funérailles

From the moment you and your family enter the Funeral Home, our highly trained staff members will be in our foyer to greet and assist you and your family’s visit. We continue to provide complimentary hand sanitizers and masks to our families and guests throughout our home.
Reservations or RSVPs are no longer required to attend your family’s visitation or funeral. Rest assured that even though the governments regulations continue to change and lift, our team will be constantly monitoring and disinfecting all areas of our home to ensure that all visitors are kept safe.
As our Funeral Home and community continue to stand together, the family would like to thank you for your support during their time of sorrow.

Sunday June 25th 2023

demarco funeral homes

Décès pour la Ville:Toronto, Province: Ontario

avis deces Antonio D’Angelo Sunday June 25th 2023

nécrologie Antonio D’Angelo Sunday June 25th 2023

Nous offrons nos plus sincères condoléances à la famille et aux amis de Antonio D’Angelo Sunday June 25th 2023 et espérons que leur mémoire pourra être une source de réconfort pendant cette période difficile. Vos pensées et vos mots aimables sont grandement appréciés.

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