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Daryl Reid Stennett October 28 1944 November 29 2021 (age 77)

Daryl Reid Stennett  October 28 1944  November 29 2021 (age 77) avis de deces  NecroCanada

Daryl Reid Stennett October 28 1944 November 29 2021 (age 77) avis de deces

And now for something completely different.
Stennett, Daryl Reid—aka Dad, Pop, Mon Pere, Sir Dad, and Grandpa—shuffled off his mortal coil at the age of 77 on November the 29th, 2021 at approximately 8:21am, surrounded by his family, born and borrowed, in the vicinity of Sechelt, BC.
Daryl had a family, which makes it sound like we’re dead, but as he said, “It’s him what’s done the dyin’,” and he wants them all mentioned here—because he doesn’t have to worry about the cost per word anymore. And in true Daryl fashion he’s given us the challenge of doing so in a way that would make him laugh. (My fingers are sore just thinking about this. But here we go.)
Wives – 1
Leagh: Love of life, better sight, better hair, and better half. Hearing, not so good, so speak up.
Also some kids – 7
Jenn: Daughter conceived beneath a Douglas fir, somewhere. Naturally, grown to be a meanderer of points.
Jennifer: Daughter borrowed (never returned, so technically stolen). Adventurer and excellentist. Popped out Gryphon.
Evan: Son-in-larceny and supportive Sherpa. Also a snail, but don’t say that to him—he won’t stop talking about it. Put Gryphon In.
Chris: Youngest son of the body, which makes him great fodder for ancient blood rights, except he’s a giant, so good luck subduing him. Key ingredient for Penny.
Jude: Daughter-in-law. Arter of art and slinger of silly gestures. Baker of Penny.
Deana: Daughter-in-law. Teller of titillating tales told to tease. Said yes to Damon in a weak moment.
Damon: Eldest son and dumper of dad on head (which made him a man in Dad’s scrambled brain). Sticking with dogs.
Also also some grandkids – 2
Gryphon: Grandson and energizer bunny. Tooter of trains.
Penny: Granddaughter and red tutu’d tornado. Hi-er of hi’s.
Also also also some siblings – 3
Sisters Cheryl (married to Ted) Murray and Janis (married to Gary) Mitchell, brother Colin Stennett, and brother-in-law John O’Connor (married to Imelda).
Some other people Daryl loved, who bought their tickets for the Hereafter Express before him (we’re not counting these, that would be morbid)
His father Bing, mother Lois, grandnephew Matt, mother-in-law Val, sister-in-law Grace, and good buddy Bernie (maybe he’ll catch up to him), as well as close friends Roger Stonehouse, of those Stonehouses, and Eric Hillman from those Hillmans. And Bandit – who is waiting.
Some people he will probably be missed by: approximately 3418 (number based on the position of Mars with respect to Pluto, which is most definitely a planet)
His many nephews, nieces, grandnieces, cousins and friends, including those select people he hopes he had as big an impact on as they did on him: Michael Vermilyea, he of the white white hair, Zsuzsi Csizmazia, she of the many Zs, Ray Saunders, who is one letter too many to make a joke about the Colonel, and John Pierce, he of the piercing gaze, though that’s completely coincidental.
Special special mention to his men’s groups—you know who you are.
And the majestic moose—of course.
Daryl managed to do a number of things while he was on this plane of existence, too.
He was born (okay he had help with this part, but he wiggled really hard!) in Cornwall, Ontario. Not to be confused with Oakville, Ontario, which is a perfectly honest mistake that anyone would make, even me. If you ever want to go visit, it’s a quaint town of over 40,000 people and in the mid-1800s boasted eight taverns for a population of 1600. Eight!
Daryl was skolet, with two degrees and a Masters also with many certificates—too many to list here and expect anyone to keep reading. He ended up in information technology, working for Peat Marwick and then Burroughs (where Leagh caught his eye), a few others, and eventually started his own consulting firm: Syspo Consulting.
Among the countless achievements he achieved he designed a course for Simon Fraser University for helping to teach basic computer operations to the learning challenged, he authored a book about the Gastown Steam Clock, and he played the role of Tweedle (the more famous of the two eggs!) in Alice in the Park. You can see his range!
Daryl Loved (capital L intended) learning, figuring out how things worked and then teaching others. He had a hard time with authority and trouble with bosses—explains some of his kids—and he LOVED (Capital everything intended) music and sharing it with family, friends, random passersby on the street and especially choirs, most notably the North Shore Chorus.
Christmas was his favourite time of year; he Loved the pageantry, festivities, fun and the JOY! (You know what? Everything is intended. Just enjoy the ride. Daryl did and it’s what he wants for you, too.) He embraced and embodied everything the season represented: family, love, and laughter.
Finally, Daryl was most proud of his family. He treasured his wife, and loved all his many kids—even if he frequently declared how flabbergasted he was at how well we turned out, given he was our father..
We aren’t flabbergasted, Dad. Not in the least.
Daryl went as he lived: on his terms, surrounded by family, and singing a song. He did not want to hold a memorial (too memorial-ish). Instead he has been fed to the flames and has asked that the ashes be spread near his favorite tree, on his favorite trail in the Sunshine Coast, in a private ceremony with his immediate family. If you would like to remember Daryl, sing a song and bring a little joy into the world.
To send flowers to the family or plant a tree in memory of Daryl Reid Stennett, please visit our floral store.

Nos plus sincères sympathies à la famille et aux amis de Daryl Reid Stennett October 28 1944 November 29 2021 (age 77)..

devlin funeral home

Décès pour la Ville: Gibsons, Province: Colombie britanique

avis deces Daryl Reid Stennett October 28 1944 November 29 2021 (age 77)

avis mortuaire Daryl Reid Stennett October 28 1944 November 29 2021 (age 77)


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