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Debbie Lynn Weir 1956 2017



Obituary of Debbie Weir
Debbie Lynn Weir passed away at the Lloydminster Hospital, Lloydminster, Saskatchewan on Thursday, December 28, 2017 at the age of 61 years.
A viewing will be held at McCaw Funeral Chapel, Lloydminster, Alberta on Tuesday, January 2, 2018 at 7:00 PM.
The Graveside Service will be conducted at the Lloydminster City Cemetery, Lloydminster, Saskatchewan, on Wednesday, January 3, 2018 at 11:00 AM.
The Celebration of Life for Debbie will be held at the Stockade Convention Centre, Lloydminster, Saskatchewan on Wednesday, January 3, 2018 2:00 PM.
Donations in memory of Debbie may be made to Kidsport, World Vision or Canadian Cancer Society.
Debbie’s funeral card can be viewed or downloaded from the link below.
It is my humble honour to pay tribute today to a very, very special woman, Debbie Weir.
I believe, you are who you are in this life, because of the people you meet and those who you choose to surround yourself with. And that with every human encounter, part of that person rubs off on you and somehow changes you…sometimes just a little and sometimes in profound ways. Debbie Weir’s courage and bravery have been so inspiring and life changing to all those she knew and loved. We are all forever changed because of her life among us.
When we talk about heroes in our world, names like Wayne Gretzky and Connor McDavid come to mind, and I know that Deb would approve of both of those. But my hero, is Deb Weir. Even as her days among us were coming to an end, Deb remained so overwhelmingly positive and steadfast in her humbleness and grace. Deb always expressed such gratitude for any of act of kindness and made sure to personally thank each person that made her life just a little bit better. Her concerns were for everyone but herself. But this shouldn’t surprise anyone because she lived her whole life this way. Giving of herself and expecting nothing in return. It has been said that the “true meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit.” Debbie was a true tree planter. She planted seedlings in everyone of our hearts, which one day will provide shade for others. Deb unselfishly gave and gave and gave of herself in so many ways.
Debbie has said many times that there were two things that kept her going through difficult times. One, was the love of her family that she so felt surrounding her each and every day. The second was her unwavering faith in her God. Family and Faith, Faith and Family. We need to take heed that it was Debbie’s faith that enabled her to face each day with a resilience that could not otherwise be explained.
Debbie Weir faced life’s challenges with the same grit and tenacity that she did when she laced on her skates and had a hockey stick in her hand. Back in the heyday of women’s hockey in Lloydminster, there was a saying on the Legion Hockey Team, “Clear the track, here comes, Debbie Jack.” Make no mistake this was one feisty woman. Deb loved her hockey, from the days being coached by her father, Bob Jack, as a teenager, right up to participating in the World Master’s Hockey Tournament in Edmonton in 2005. At that World Tournament a remarkable thing happened. While teams were lining up for the opening face-off, Deb recognized a player on the opposing team as a former teammate from the Legion Hockey days. And that person was Evelyn Dallyn. They both looked at each other and dropped the gloves and then gave each other a huge hug. The poor ref, didn’t know whether to give them a delay of game penalty or two minutes for hugging.
For me, if I had to pick just two words that would describe Debbie Weir, it would be loyal and loving. Deb demonstrated profound loyalty in a world where loyalty is a rare commodity. Deb was loyal to her favorite hockey team, the Oilers, both in good times and bad…no band wagon jumping there. She loved attending Oiler games and watching them together with Doug on TV. The World Juniors at Christmas were also on the “must see” list.
Deb was devoted to her church, Grace United, and contributed her musical talents through the Joy Singers, The Bells Ringers and by playing that beautiful silver trumpet of hers. Wow could she make that thing sing. If you needed a trumpet player to play the last post at Remembrance Day, you called Deb Weir. At church, Debbie also helped create a musical group for kids called Play and Sing. Over the years, Deb taught many students piano, trumpet, organ and music theory. She had an amazing talent for musical theory and excelled in her Conservatory exams. Starting the band program from scratch at Holy Rosary High School was also a major musical accomplishment for Deb. You might say she never missed a beat.
With any group that Deb belonged to, you knew that you could count on her and that if she took on a job if would be done and done well. Debbie was a mentor for the Mentorship Program in Lloydminster. What a tremendous role model she was for young Moms in the community.
Hobbies that Debbie enjoyed and took great pride in, included scrap booking and quilting and if shopping for shoes classifies as a hobby, then add that to the list.
Deb was a very loving and loyal friend to many. Visiting with friends and going for coffee was an important part of Debbie’s daily life. Deb got an early start in life in the “going out for coffee thing.” As a teenager, she started going out for coffee to places like Hanigans and Shell Ranchero, and you know, she just never quit. The names of the places changed to Lornas or Tims, but visiting and spending time with the people who mattered most to her never changed. It was never about the coffee! Deb was a steadfast friend who was so easy to talk to and she so enjoyed conversation. You instantly knew that Debbie was in the restaurant when you heard that infectious cackle coming from deep within her soul. A laugh that we will forever be able to hear inside our heads. A classic coffee story for Deb was, quite a few years back, the power was out and Deb couldn’t brew herself a coffee. A short time later she was talking to Wendy Keely on the phone and Wendy said she had some day old coffee in the butler, so Deb and Wendy shared some good company and some bad coffee.
I can say, without hesitation, that the place where Deb’s true loyalty lay was with her family. Deb attended the University of Saskatchewan and earned a teaching degree, but once kids arrived, Deb committed herself to raising her family rather than pursuing teaching as a full-time career. Deb was a loyal and loving mother. She took great pride in creating a beautiful home for her family, where she and Doug raised three wonderful children and opened their doors to many, many people. Her children, Kent, Michelle and Lauren were everything to her. She was so proud of each one of you and what you’ve accomplished, but more importantly proud of who each one of you have become. No matter what, you always knew that you had your Mom’s unconditional love. It didn’t matter, if you say, ran Grandpa’s truck into the neighbour’s house, cut your cousins hair so it looked like a partially shorn sheep, or say, put laundry soap in the fish tank to make lots of bubbles…..your Mom loved you anyway!
The kids have so many fond memories of their Mom. Sometimes things like ironing pillow cases while your Mom ironed Dad’s shirts are what stick in your mind. Critiquing American Idol was also a favorite for thirteen seasons. Being able to come home for lunch every day from school was a special time, especially if it was bologna and vinegar or macaroni and tomato juice. Make no mistake, Debbie ran a tight ship. As the kids said, ‘Mom majored in music and minored in the wooden spoon.’ Mom had the loudest whistle on the block and when you heard it, it was time to come home…now! A great trick Debbie had was that she always made her kids come and kiss her on the cheek when they came in at night. Brilliant! She always knew exactly what time they got home.
Deb had among the longest heartstrings known to humankind. As her kids ventured off to places like Uganda, Vancouver, Japan, Saskatoon, Wadena, Langenburg or Loon Lake, Deb and Doug always remained connected with their kids and supported them in their adventures. Lauren and Jordan’s upcoming wedding was something that Deb was able to give some advice to and give some good natured ribbing about.
Kent, Michelle and Lauren all appreciated the love of music, education, sports and community that both their Mom and Dad instilled in them.
Annual family trips to Osoyoos, the family holidays in Hawaii and a trip Disneyland will always be treasured memories. A special visit to Japan to break up some home sicknesses was something that sometimes only parents can feel and understand. Eating nothing but pie and ice cream for lunch in Toronto also left a lasting impression.
Debbie was a loyal and loving grandmother and took such great joy in her three grandchildren, her three little princesses, Blakely, Spencer and Hadley, and she was persistently curious about the new addition that Michelle and Aaron are expecting. And of course she never forgot her two adopted Bugiera grandchildren, Kayden and Adryan. Her grandkids were her pride and joy and until you become a grandparent you cannot begin to describe the intense loving bond that exists between a grandchild and grandparent. There is a special place in your heart reserved just for grandchildren and Deb’s was bursting at the seams. Kids could never wait for Grandma and Grandpa to come to Saskatoon or for them to go to Lloyd for a visit. Blakely had one of those very special connections with her Grandma and will miss so much the little traditions they had together like their annual Valentine’s Tea.
Debbie was a loyal and loving sister. Her sisters Joanne, Brenda and Cheryl, her brother Bob, her sister-in laws Gloria and Bobbi, her brother in laws Geordie, Bruce and Brian, and all the nephews and nieces, Andrea, Chantel, Kristinn, Alex, Jane,Alistair, Megan and Mitchell were so loved and cherished by Deb. With Megan and Mitchell living just down the street, Deb was like a second Mom to the Ellisons. Anyone who has ever been at the Jack house after a meal and listened to the, shall we say “lively” discussions that always took place after meal time, knows that no stone was left unturned and no topic was off limits, but at the end of the evening, agree or disagree, you always knew that Debbie loved, respected and embraced everyone one of us. We always appreciated and anticipated in any discussion the famous Debbie Weir eye roll, when she didn’t quite agree with you.
The outlaw boys, Doug and I and Bruce and Geordie, we all are experts and quite experienced in the “dating a Jack girl thing” and one thing you learn very early on in the process, is that if you date a Jack girl, you had better be good at… waiting. Rather than being frustrated by the waiting game, we all embraced it instead. Doug, Bruce, Geordie and I, we have the waiting game down to a science. When one of the girls says, ‘Well I think its time we should be going” or “Maybe you should start the car,” we know that we have well over an hour and half before we need to get too excited. But I think you would agree Doug that Deb was well worth the wait.
Debbie was a loving and loyal daughter. Deb knew that she was so fortunate to be raised by two wonderful parents, Bob and Gladys Jack and she recognized and appreciated her upbringing and all the opportunities that she had because of the sacrifices that her parents made for all their kids. Deb truly loved her Mom with all her heart and I know she marveled at the humility that Gladys brings to everything she does. She was forever thankful for the gift of music that she received from her Mom and was able to enjoy for her entire life and then pass on to others. Debbie felt so blessed to have Gladys close by and cherished all the coffee times and visits from across the park. Deb admired, appreciated and recognized Gladys as the cornerstone and foundation upon which this family is built.
Debbie was a loving and loyal wife. Doug and Deb were high school sweethearts. They were married on May 14th, 1977 and first lived in Saskatoon where they both attended University. The year before they were married, Doug and I roomed together in the basement of a house that Doug’s parent’s Glen and Kelly Weir had bought on 8th Street in Saskatoon. After one year, however, Doug got tired of living in the basement and so he married Deb, just so he could move upstairs, but he left me in the cellar. I did appreciate that Deb would invite me up for the occasional meal when they thought I was looking anemic from the lack of sunshine.
From Saskatoon, Weirs moved to Red Deer where Doug began his veterinary career. After a short time in Red Deer, the Weirs moved to Fort McLeod where Doug worked for Bill Lichtenburger. Deb wasn’t wild about moving to Fort McLeod. She was 8 months pregnant with Michelle and wondered why the trees there all leaned East. But once the decision was made to move, Deb embraced it and years later Doug and Deb looked back with fondness at their days in Fort McLeod. Bill and Sue Lichtenburger became lifelong friends. After a couple of years in Fort McLeod, Deb and Doug returned to Lloydminster which they made their permanent home.
Deb and Doug. Doug and Deb. Sounds good both ways, doesn’t matter who comes first and that is the hallmark of a great marriage. The relationship that Doug and Deb shared is a shining example to all of us as to a what marriage should look like. A marriage of mutual respect and unwavering love. In the midst of very busy, successful lives, Deb and Doug always made time for each other. Regular trips to Palm Springs, traveling the world together, or just hanging out a Little Fishing Lake….each other’s company was often all they needed. Give Deb a good book and a beach and she was a happy camper. Quadding and riding in her little sportscar were thrills for Deb. One, the muddier the better, the other, not so much.
There has never been a husband who has provided such amazing care for his wife, in sickness and in health and delivered that care with such love. Doug you are an inspiration to all of us and we are so blessed to have you in our family.
The family would like to thank to all who loved and cared for Debbie, especially in these last few months. There was this Angel from Australia, Bobbi Weir, who unselfishly cleaned, shopped, cooked and provided medical care over the past several months. Thanks also goes to Deb’s Chemo Team, the Hospital Staff and the Home Care team of Brenda and Michelle. Debbie was truly surrounded by love by all her family and friends.
And its only appropriate that Debbie has the last words….. “We aren’t hear to say goodbye, only farewell, until we meet again.”
I know that the group of people here today have been touched by this amazing woman in one way or another. Now I don’t know if she was your teacher, maybe she was your teammate, your relative, your high school buddy or your coffee partner…..but I do know she was undoubtedly your friend. She was all of those things in a wonderful way but for Kent, Michelle and I she was our mum ……and I needed you all to know just how great of a mum she was.
She was our biggest supporter – I don’t ever remember a time when she wasn’t there for me when I needed her, whether big or small and regardless if I was living near or far, my mum was always there to take my worries away. Growing up she attended every single concert, every music festival performance and every sporting event that we were ever a part of….and that was true for all 3 of us, I still don’t know how she did it. Although to this day I still believe she legitimately had eyes in the back of her head so that might have something to do with it.
My mum was the queen of carpool constantly running us kids and our friends all over town. She made a point of us coming home from school for lunches so we could talk about our day and everyone on the block knew that the loud Debbie Weir whistle echoing across Messum Lake meant it was time for us kids to head home.
Her love for music was passed onto us kids – some of my dearest memories are of her and I laughing while trying to play piano and trumpet duets together. She absolutely loved a good book and when in vacation mode could power through 8-10 books in no time. Her closet was a dream for dress up as it was filled with shoes, plus a bin filled with more shoes, and another bin and yet another bin…well you get the point. BUT she was able to justify why she owned such a ridiculous amount of shoes: she said they were the only thing that always fit!!
As I’m sure many of you know, she took pleasure in sharing a coffee and a chat at Tim Horton’s on a regular basis – and by regular basis I mean every day, sometimes twice a day – there were times when Michelle and I would come home from University and if we didn’t know where mum was we would literally just drive to Tim’s and then inevitably join in for a visit ourselves.
She instilled in us some skills that are not to be taken lightly in the Weir household such as…….
No matter what, you need to make your bed everyday ….. she was so strong in this thought that we had to make our beds even when we stayed in a hotel!!.
Another one is: after a meal you always wipe the table twice because once just isn’t enough and believe me you could NOT get away with brushing it onto the floor, learned that one the hard way.
Also anything can be vacuumed – even the vacuum itself.…….if you haven’t guessed yet my mum took pride in keeping a clean house.
Somehow she established a perfected balance of loving and guiding us to grow into the people that we are today. My mom was warm, welcoming, loving and thoughtful but she was also rooted in strong morals and values that she has seamlessly passed on to us. My mum was first and foremost a parent, she never tried to be our best friend but lucky for us it naturally happened anyway. I hope that one day when I have children of my own I can impart in them the same love and support that she has done for me. It is because of our mum and dad that we know what love is supposed to feel like.
The fact that you are here today tells me that you had the pleasure of knowing my mum. And I’m sure you all have wonderful loving mothers yourselves, but you need to know that mine was hands down the best.
Just a few short weeks ago when I was home visiting my mum said to me that all she every really wanted was to be a good mum – “well Mum I can assure you if that your goal you were beyond successful.”
You will be so incredibly missed in a way that right now seems almost unimaginable. And although I know you were a great teammate and teacher and friend and so on…..I am so thankful that to me your name was mum.
As I started writing this I quickly realized there are no amount of words that I could ever say to do my mum justice. But a song was recently suggested for me to listen to and although all the lyrics were great there was one line that sums up what I am trying to portray to you. And so I will end this by leaving you with that one line from the song, and it simply says this: “You were an angel in the shape of my mum”
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Nos plus sincères sympathies à la famille et aux amis de Debbie
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Décès pour la Ville: Lloydminster, Province: Alberta

avis deces Debbie
Weir 1956 2017

avis mortuaire Debbie
Weir 1956 2017

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